I have Orcad Capture v16.6 and I am trying to set up the Tcl/TK utility PDF Export to use PDFCreator.exe as its PS to PDF converter. Share my procedure to you.
1. Select DSN file
2. Go to “Accessories->Cadence
Tcl/Tk Utilities->” Utilities
3. Select “PDF Export” and then
press “Launch”
4. In this case, I use “PDFCreator” to export pdf file and select "Ghostscript / equivalent" for the converter and substitute the path to PDFCreator as follows:
“{C:\Program Files\PDFCreator\Ghostscript\Bin\gswin32c.exe} -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=$::capPdfUtil::mPdfFilePath -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE $::capPdfUtil::mPSFilePath”
5. Export searchable PDF file is
6. The Design PDF file generated is rich with the following features present:
- The design hierarchy tree (under bookmarks)
- The reference designators list (under bookmarks)
- The nets and connected component pins (under bookmarks)
- The descend-ability for hierarchical blocks
- In-place properties for all types of design objects on clicking the object
- Bidirectional cross-probing of the object with properties PDF file